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Eclectic Community


Nate Dyer and Mom, Laura Lynne Dyer cut more firewood with Bermuda our tractor.
Community is a living, moving, breathing entity of flowing evolving, changing amazing people who come and go, stay and play, return and vanish, then come home again.
What makes up a Community?
Community is whoever is gathered on The Magic Land at that moment.
Young and old, tall and small and every color and orientation under the rainbow have contributed something unique to The Magic Land.
They have given of their time, talent, money, expertise, wisdom, ideas, animals, things, parts, healing words, touch, skills, hard work and so much more. 
What you see and feel is a conglomeration of all  the Community Members who have traversed this enchanting space throughout time.
Many feel the presence of those who have been here in the past from all time zones.
Treehouse or A-Frame guests travel from around the world to stay here with rave reviews of their experiences.
In fact, when Washington University, in St. Louis, Missouri, owned these 70 remarkable acres, thousands of people stayed here. It was an Educational Retreat and Conference Center called Bromwoods.
Sometimes it's silent on The Magic Land.
Only the buzz of the hummingbirds and bees are our Community.
At night, the Great Horned Owls sing with the crickets and Whippoorwills.
During an event we know that whomever is called to be here is our part of our Sacred Community.
Yes, there are those who have been here almost from the beginning and feel like family.
There are guests who walk in and we are sure they have been part of the tribe since day one. Brothers and Sisters in Love.
We all long for Community. To be part of something bigger yet intimate and cozy. To know that what we contribute makes a difference. Everyone is valued and significant here.
We practice being 100% accountable for ourselves. we practice self-care and it's encouraged to share what feels right and then to allow yourself to be nourished.
Sometime we fail at our highest intention to practice unconditional love every day. The next moment we show up again to learn more about what our blocks and fears are that keep us closed off from connection.
We cry.
We laugh.
We accept.
We run.
We return.
We allow.
We get angry.
We talk.
We hang out.
We forgive.
We grow.
We allow.
We get triggered.
We let.
We get hurt.
We own our wounds.
We listen.
We talk.
We give space.
We ask.
We eat.
We laugh hysterically.
We hold one another
We meditate.
We pray.
We joke.
We screw up.
We snack.
We walk
We yell
We kick butt.
We create.
We design.
We nap.
We contemplate.
We reflect.
We let.
We hug
We complain.
We forget.
We giggle.
We rest.
We play.
We fall apart.
We get stronger.
We melt down.
We are human.
We love.
Balance, we all need to give, AND learn to receive.
You are part of our Community.
Because you are reading this. You are intrigued by whatever is happening here that you either heard about through a friend or strangers who said, "You must go to The Magic Land."
Maybe you are seeking healing, Life Coaching with Laura Lynne, or a quiet walk in the woods.
It could be you saw something on Facebook, Instagram, Laura Lynne's Treehouse Wise Woman YouTube Channel, or you are being called by the very core of your being to show up or attend a workshop.
You, yes, you, are part of our Community. Right here, right now,
no waiting in isle 3.
Thank you for showing up to bless us and you.
Laura Lynne Dyer
Treehouse Wise Woman
Spiritual Director
Caretaker and Mother of
The Magic Land
Educational Eco-Center &
Sacred Sanctuary
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